
A 2D top-down sci-fi roguelike action role-playing game playing as special agent NOVA. The player fight their way through alien filled dungeons on multiple unique planets, and buy powerups to help you destory all threats to humanity. There is a boss at the end of each dungeon before the agent moves on to the next planet.


A group of students made this game as a project for their ECS179 couse.


  • Powerup store that allow the player to buy powerups with currency. There are both one time up powerups (such as a bubble shield or a grenade) and stat boosting powerup that make the player's attack more powerful.
  • Randomly generate dungeon layout allow for a different player experience each time the game is played.
  • Different planets featuring a different look and different cutscene that progress the story.
  • Gain access to different weapons such as melee, laser gun, and spread shot.


Substance TrailerYouTube


About Substance Zero

A group of students that enjoy rouguelikes and decided to make a sci-fi roguelike game.
More information
More information on Substance Zero, our logo & relevant media are available here.

Substance Zero Credits

Ty Matson
Producer, Powerup Systems
Alex Bott
Movement/Physics, Gamefeel
Jacob Nguyen
Game logic, Gameplay Testing
Ruohan Huang
Animation/Visuals, Presskit and Trailer
Chase Keighley
User Interface and Input, Narrative Design
Aryan Saneinejad
Level Generation/Design, Audio